Embed and display the contents of your documents in WordPress

Hello friends,

In this post I will present to you one efficient and stylish solution that will allow you to upload any document on your WordPress website and then display its contents by using either Google Docs Viewer or Microsoft Office Online.

No additional plugins will be required besides the one that you will need to have installed and activated.

The plugin that you will need on your WordPress website is called Embed Any Document.

Embed Any Document - WordPress Plugin for uploading and embedding any documents

Download it and the install and activate it. Once you do this you will be able to add your documents with ease. For this purpose simply create a new post or page. Make sure that you are using the WordPress visual editor. A new button will be displayed there that will allow you to upload your documents. It is called “Add Document”. Click on it and you will be able to choose how to add your documents. The premium version called Embed Any Document Plus allows you to add files from your cloud accounts. The free version is limited to upload the document on your website or to add a link that points to it (in case you want to embed files that you have already uploaded somewhere else).

When you choose the first option you will be presented with several options:

  • Set the width and height of the embedded document (in percentages). The default is 100%;
  • Show download link. Here you can choose to do this for the logged-in users, for all users or not to show download link at all;
  • Specify the download link text. The default is Download;
  • Choose the viewer – Microsoft Office Online or Google Docs Viewer;

A shortcode is being generated and presented to you. You can view it or copy it if you want to use it somewhere else again. Make your choices by using the options below and then click on the Insert button.

You can now preview your post/page and the contents of the uploaded document will be available for you. Simple as that. If you have decided to add a download link you can also download your document.

If you go with the second option (add document from URL) you need to provide the URL of the document and then you can go through the same options.

You can set new default values for them if you go to Settings -> Embed Any Document

How to fix the issue related to not being able to upload some documents on your WordPress website?

Some file types are not considered safe to be uploaded. That is why you may encounter an error stating: “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.” This will happen when you try to upload the specific file. In order to fix this you have to enable all file types. To do this simply edit wp-config.php and add some code above:

/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

The code that you have to add is:


Save the file, reload your website and you will be able to upload all file types without any further problems.

That’s all friends! Share any thoughts on this great plugin in the comment section below.

See you soon!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is "Optibg.com"

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