Fruitful Shortcodes – review

Hello friends,

Do you want to integrate cool buttons into your WordPress posts or pages? Or maybe you need tabs or something else? And you don’t know how to code them using HTML & CSS? Don’t worry! You can always use one of the secret weapons of WordPress – shortcodes.

And speaking of shortcodes you need to use something that is known to work and that might not be in conflict with your theme’s design or your other plugins functionality. You need a great solution! And in this post I am going to present to you one of them. This is Fruitful Shortcodes!

Why shortcodes?

Because they save time, effort and provide great functionality.

What are they?

The general understanding of the word “shortcodes” is a placeholder for dynamic content. Each shortcode should support attributes and also content. The idea is to gain more control over the dynamic content that you aim to display on your WordPress website. The shortcodes are integrated into the core WordPress functionality and there is a way to add more of them by using plugins.

Why Fruitful Shortcodes?

This wonderful plugin provides you the ability to add different types of content into your WordPress posts and pages. For example – buttons. You can add different types of them and style them to your liking. Each button that you decide to integrate can be customized by:

  • Size – you can choose between mini button or a large one;
  • Color – different options starting from the default view;
  • Type – the button can be used for hyperlinks (both internal and external) or maybe you desire an input functionality or submit functionality? There’s plenty to choose from. In fact you can just determine it as a button;
  • State – active or disabled;
  • Text color;
  • Icon – choose a suitable icon using Font-Awesom icons;
  • Icon position – choose where you want the icon to be displayed;
  • Link – place the URL that this button should lead to or just use “#” to go to the beginning of the current page;

And this my friends is just what’s available for the buttons. But Fruitful Shortcodes provides much more than this.

There are shortcodes for:

  • Horizontal tabs
  • Vertical tabs
  • Accordion
  • Columns 1/2
  • Columns 1/3
  • Columns 2/3
  • Columns 1/4
  • Columns 3/4
  • Columns 1/5
  • Separator
  • Promo text
  • Progress bar
  • Alert
  • Recent posts
  • Recent posts slider

And you can customize each of them by applying the respective attributes. You can find detailed documentation about the usage options for each shortcode here: Fruitful Shortcodes Usage and Demo.

But let’s actually see how you can insert a shortcode.

I am going to review the button shortodes. First of all you need to install and activate the plugin. Then head to the visual editor for both your posts/pages and click on this button:

Fruitful Shortcodes

Then you need to enter the content between the opening and closing shortcode for the button. For example:

[fruitful_btn color=”info”]Click me[/fruitful_btn]

This will create a simple blue button with changing blue color effect on hover with the text “Click me”.

You need to apply additional attributes in the opening shortcode: [fruitful_btn color=”info”] after the “fruitful_btn” text and in the same way as the color attribute is written. Make sure that the brackets “[ ]” are still there or the shortcode will be considered plain text.

And that’s actually all that I can say about Fruitful Shortcodes. It is a wonderful solution that will make your WordPress posts and pages even more better.

A piece of free advice – use shortcodes but don’t get too comfortable with them!

Why? Because having a shortcode on each post or page will forever tie you with the specific theme or plugin that provides them. If you remove the theme or the plugin your content will be ruined and all you will see will be just an ugly pile of shortcodes in plain text. Now imagine how your visitors will react to this. So enjoy them responsibly and only when it is most suitable. This warning applies to all shortcode solutions that exist.

More on the topic can be found in the following resources:

Now it’s your turn, friends! Will you use shortcodes at all? And if yes – would you give Fruitful Shortcodes a try? Please share your opinion in the comments below and don’t forget to spread the word about this post in social media.

Thank you and see you soon!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is ""

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