MailPoet – the powerful way to send newsletters

Hello friends,

In this post I will present you one extremely powerful and yet easy to use WordPress plugin that will allow you to get e-mail subscribers, create newsletters and of course send and track them.

This powerful solution is called MailPoet.

MailPoet - WordPress plugin for powerful newsletters

As usual you need to install and activate the plugin. Then a new section will appear in your dashboard. It is called MailPoet. In it you will find 4 subsections – Newsletters, Subscribers, Settings and Premium.

Let’s start with the Settings subsection.

The first tab is the “Basics” tab. There you need to define the Company info (for a corporate website) and the e-mail notifications – i.e. on which e-mail should they be sent to, on what occasion, etc. Then you have to set the sender name and e-mail address and after this you have to determine whether your visitors can subscribe from the comments or when they are creating their accounts (if you allow account creation of course).

Then come the first newsletter specific settings. MailPoet allows you to set unsubscribe links, set the unsubscribe page that the visitors will be redirected to upon that and the most important option for each HTML newsletter – the link to view it in the browser in case there is a problem opening it from the e-mail client.

The Basics tab of the MailPoet Settings

Then head to the “Forms” tab. You can create a form to allow subscriptions to your newsletter. Each form can be integrated using a shortcode, php code and iframe. For most of the cases the shortcode option will be sufficient.

The Forms tab of the MailPoet Settings

In the “Signup Confirmation” tab you are allowed to set whether you want to have signup confirmation or not. My advise is to allow this setting. This means that now you have to write your confirmation e-mail message and then choose the page that the visitors will be redirected to upon confirmation.

The Signup Confirmation tab of the MailPoet Settings

The “Send With…” tab is very important. You need to choose the mail server that you want to use for the newsletters. My advise is to select an external solution.

The Send with tab of the MailPoet Settings

Then you can set some advanced settings in the “Advanced” tab and in the “Add-ons” tab you can enhance the functionality of MailPoet by installing additional features (for example WooCommerce add-ons).

Now to the Newsletters subsection.

There you can create your newsletter design. It is extremely easy as MailPoet allows you to utilize the WordPress visual editor for each section of the newsletter and the rest is a matter of simple drag&drop. Each newsletter can be standard or automatic and you can send it to specific lists. These lists of subscribers are set within the Forms tab in the Settings subsection.

Create HTML newsletters with MailPoet

When you create the design of the newsletter MailPoet will allow you to send a sample one to an address of your choice. If you are satisfied then you can send it to the desired list of subscribers and of course track the open rate, click rate, unsubscription rate, etc. Most of the tracking options are for the premium version of MailPoet.

During the newsletter creation you can make once again changes regarding the sender info and the reply-to address if needed.

Edit the MailPoet Newsletters using the WordPress visual editor and drag&drop

Ok – now to the Subscribers subsection.

There you can see the name and e-mail of each subscriber and the list that they are subscribed to. You can also check whether they have confirmed or not the subscription and in case of a problem you can confirm it for them (always ask for permission before you proceed with this step). You can also unsubscribe users and delete them. One very important functionality of MailPoet is to allow you to edit and import lists and subscribers. Extremely useful especially if you have gained e-mail addresses via different plugin or solution.

Edit the subscribers to your WordPress newsletter in the Subscribers subsection of MailPoet

Now to the Premium subsection.

Information about the premium version of MailPoet can be found in the Premium subscetion of the plugin

There you will be presented with the even more powerful premium features of MailPoet. For example in the free version you are allowed to send newsletters to only 2000 subscribers. This limit is removed in the premium version. Also regarding the tracking options – the premium version of MailPoet allows you to gain even more insights about the actions of the subscribers when they receive your newsletter. This is vital for your e-mail marketing strategy!

Also speaking of SPAM – the premium version of MailPoet allows you to get your spam score in 1 click while you are designing your newsletter thanks to the popular in-house tool of MailPoet called mail-tester. You are also presented with the possibility to add a DKIM signature to your newsletters to increase their deliverability.

On the Premium subsection you will find all the necessary information about the premium version of MailPoet as well as its pricing.

In conclusion I’d like to say that MailPoet is a must have plugin for each WordPress website. It is fast, easy to use and extremely powerful. Even the free version is sufficient enough for a small blog or recently started website so you should really consider it.

You can share your thoughts on MailPoet in the comments below. Please spread the word about this post in the social media and have fun using MailPoet.

See you soon friends!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is ""

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