Allow your customers to reach you via Skype (Tutorial on adding the button to WordPress)

Hello friends,

In this tutorial I am going to present to you one convenient way for a communication with your website visitors and current (or potential) customers. I will be covering the steps that you need to go through for WordPress, however the tips that you are going to discover in this post can be applied to other websites as well.

So let’s begin – this tutorial will describe how to add the official Skype Contact Me Button for your WordPress website so that your customers can reach you.

First of all – what is Skype (in case you haven’t heard about it yet)?

Skype is a great technological solution that allows you to communicate with other people (family, friends, co-workers, customers, etc) over the Internet. The program can be used for making free audio and video calls from one Skype client to another as well as chatting and file sharing.

Skype can also be used for calling mobile phones and landlines after the purchase of Skype credit. There is also a business version of the tool.

There are Skype clients for mobile devices, Windows, Linux, Mac, Wearables and Xbox devices. The official website is

Skype is quite popular and millions of people worldwide are using it every day.

Second – how to add the official Skype button for WordPress (and any other website)?

Begin by visiting this link. Here you will need to adjust a few settings and when you are done you are going to receive a code that you need to add to your website. But we’ll get back to this in a moment.

Add your Skype Name in the respective field. Next choose what your buttons should do. It can allow your customers to call you directly or to start a chat with you. Of course you may select both functions. Next select the color of the button and its size. After you do this you will get a preview of the Skype Contact Me button as well as the code that I have mentioned above.

Now it’s time to copy it and head to your WordPress website. Add a widget that supports HTML. For example the classic Text Widget is great for this purpose. If you are using a Page Builder you may choose a different widget type (which will also result in the possibility of adding the Skype Contact Me button wherever you want). This code can be added in your theme’s templates as well.

When you do this you have to update your Skype settings so that you can accept incoming calls or chat messages from Skype users that are not currently in your contact list. After this final step the Skype Contact Me button is successfully integrated with your WordPress website and your customers can reach you with ease.

These steps can be applied for any other website type. Simply discover where you can add the code and you are done.

That’s all friends! What do you think of this tutorial? Share any thoughts and questions in the comment section below.

See you soon!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is ""

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