WP Email Delivery – a reliable mailing service

Hello friends,

We are back on the topic for choosing the best external mail server or service for WordPress.

This time I will be reviewing one of the new players on the market – WP Email Delivery.

WP Email Delivery

Please do not make any mistake – this service might have shown up recently but it is going to impress you!

Why? Because it is extremely easy to install, setup and use to send your newsletters, email messages for your users and any other transactional correspondence that you might be sending. Your WordPress will never ever fail to deliver any email whatsoever!

What are WP Email Delivery’s features?

First of all this service is intended to replace WP_MAIL () and thus make sure that everything will be sent correctly without any SPAM worries. The service is integrated via free WordPress plugin which can be found and install through WordPress.org or via the WordPress “Add new” plugin installer.

After installed and set-up correctly (we’ll get to that later on in this article) your WordPress and any plugins that rely on WP_MAIL () will be using WP Email Delivery in order to work thus any possible email that you intend to send will be automatically handled with care and precision.

You need to stop worrying about getting a SPAM record if you were sending mass emails via your own mail server. WP Email Delivery will be checking for hard bounces and will be making constant SPAM checks so that you will maintain a positive sending score. After all each email counts especially if you are a digital marketeer!

WP Email Delivery provides you with a cloud service that is powered by Amazon AWS. And this is actually the guardian of your mail sending reputation since it tracks it down, handles any possible bounces and meets any workload. So you can simply forget having problems with your host regarding overloading the mail server for your website. Nobody loves these conversations so just forget about them! Simple as that!

OK, what about compatibility with my favorite plugins?

If they are using WP_MAIL () they will be working just fine with WP Email Delivery. This service is compatible with some of the most popular newsletter plugins (such as SendPress), e-commerce plugins and let’s not forget the mail forms (such as Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms).

What’s more important is that WP Email Delivery is known to have no conflicts with the quality hosting providers which is very vital.

How to use WP Email Delivery for my WordPress website?

Install, activate and adjust the plugin.

WP Email Delivery provides its functionality via its WordPress Plugin

Like I have mentioned above in this post – it is free. However WP Email Delivery as a service requires you to create an account and subscribe for one of its three monthly billing plans which are suitable for bloggers, business websites and agencies.

In return for your investment you will receive one of the high quality mail services, combined with outstanding support, API sending (very important) and monitoring of your reputation plus bounces (the latter is a coming soon feature).

In case you are happy with what you get per month you can also purchase one of the three yearly plans with 15 day money back guarantee.

And if you are wondering whether to try WP Email Delivery you should know that there is even a free plan that will allow you to test the service and if you are happy then (and only then) you should consider paying. In this free plan you get 50 emails, basic support, monitoring of your reputation and extremely easy settings to get you started.

OK I have my free account – what now?

Go to your WordPress Dashboard and find the WP Email Delivery menu under “Settings”. In the first tab you need to enter your key and click on the “Save Settings” button.

WP Email Delivery Initial Settings

Then head to the second tab which is called “Advanced”. Here you need to enter the name that you wish to add to your emails (this might be your brand name for example) and the email address that is meant to be shown for the “from” section.

WP Email Delivery Advanced Settings

For the purpose of this review I have added a sample email address from a non-existing website.

WP Email Delivery Advanced settings with sample data

Then you have a couple of check boxes that will allow you to:

  • track your emails in order to find out how many of them were actually opened;
  • the same but this time regarding clicks;
  • disable the SSL sending in case your host cannot connect over https to the service’s API;

The clicks and open monitoring stats are yet to come so you need to be patient.

When you are satisfied with the “Advanced” tab you need to save settings once again and proceed to the “Testing” tab. Simply type an email address and you will receive momentarily a test email.

I have used a disposable email address to test the functionality of the service:

Test the WP Email Delivery's functionality

And here is the result:

Received test email from WP Email Delivery

WP Email Delivery Test Email

In case you need to adjust some DNS related settings you can go to the last tab and do this. If the tests you made were successful (and they should be) you have to go to the first tab and check the box that will allow WP Email Delivery to override the default WP_MAIL () function in order to actually allow your website to start using the services. Save these settings and try to create a new user and allow WordPress to send the password reset link via email.

Here are the results:

WP Email Delivery is functional for WordPress

A password reset email from WordPress is sent using the powerful features of WP Email Delivery

So in conclusion I’d like to say that WP Email Delivery has potential to compete with the biggest players on the custom mail server/services market. You can really rely on this plugin to send high quality emails.

So what are your thoughts, friends? Share them in the comments below.

See you soon!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is "Optibg.com"

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