WP Statistics – one great solution to monitor your website

Hello friends,

In this post I will present to you one great solution that will allow you to monitor and analyze important data for your WordPress website. It comes in the form of a plugin and it is called WP Statistics.

WP Statistics - WordPress plugin for gaining important statistical data for your WordPress website

What does WP Statistics do?

Love using Google Analytics? Or maybe some other analytics solution for another search engine? Then how about Jetpack and its statistics?

In all of these cases you want one thing – to monitor when you have new website visits, from where and how much are day on a daily, monthtly (and other) basis. And this is absolutely OK since nowadays data can be considered a resource of imperative importance. So the much more data you have, the more analysis you can make and then your digital marketing strategy can be improved further for more conversions and better results in general.

In our current case WP Statistics is another way of gaining access to the precious resource that we call data. So basically the short answer to the question is that this plugin will allow you to analyze your website in terms of visits, search engine queries and other data.

That is awesome but what exactly makes WP Statistics so special?

This plugin allows you to track data without the need to depend on external services. It also tries to respect your users’ privacy whenever this is possible.

What features does WP Statistics provide for any WordPress website?

Lots! First of all this plugin will allow you to monitor the users that are currently online. This is very important as this data can allow you to track the current activity on your website.

Next WP Statistics informs you of the overall visits, visitors and page statistics so that you can know which pages gain higher visits and which are not performing so good. Thus you can take action regarding the latter and improve them.

WP Statistics analyzes the search queries and redirects from the major players on the search engine market. This is really important!

Next is the possibility to view details about your pages. For example which browser are being used to view them and their respective versions, country based statistics, referral traffic (so that you can know who links to your website) and other information.

WP Statistics uses GeoIP location by country. And when speaking of user privacy – this plugin allows the hashing of the visitors’ IP addresses in the database. Thus their privacy is indeed protected.

However you can still monitor the visitors location and this is presented to you on a beautiful interactive map so that you can clearly see from where does your traffic come.

WP Statistics can send you emails with statistical reports if you want this. Also this plugin allows the limitation of the access to the precious data it has collected to specific user roles. This means that if you have multiple users on your WordPress website and you don’t want anyone of them to be able to see your stats, then you simply can hide this information from some of them, while the ones who do need to view it and analyze it (for example your digital marketging and SEO team) will be able to do this without any problems.

WP Statistics also allows you to filter your data collection so that it can be as precise as possible. You don’t want to count your own visits, right? Also you may want to exclude common robots from the data collection as well. Well this plugin will allow you to do this. There are also other criteria from which you can choose in order to clean up your data by leaving only the important visits in it – i.e. the ones that will result in conversions.

WP Statistics can also export your precious data in the form of XML, CSV or TSV files. This is extremely valuable as this can be used with other SEO and digital marketing tools. This plugin also supports shortcodes and widgets in case you want to share some of the data publicly with your visitors. Also there are dashboard widgets for the admin area as well.

WP Statistics - a great way of monitoring your WordPress website for visits and other statistical data

What if I need help for working with WP Statistics?

The plugin comes with a comprehensive admin manual that will allow you to understand how it works. Also you can ask for support in the official WordPress.org page of WP Statistics.

How to get this plugin working?

Begin by downloading and installing it. Then you need to activate WP Statistics and adjust its settings. The user manual will help you for this. The plugin can be downloaded from WordPress.org or by using the plugin installer system in the admin panel of your own website.

That’s all friends! Will you give WP Statistics a try? Share any thoughts and questions in the comment section below.

See you soon, friends!

About Daniel Angelov

AvatarHi! My name is Daniel Angelov and I am a guest-author at TheCMSPlace. I am a certified SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist. My passion is WordPress, Social Media, Project Management, Open Source Software, Marketing, SEO and Copywriting. In my free time I like reading and fishing. My personal blog is "Optibg.com"

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